The lab has two dedicated and sound isolated testing rooms purposefully built for olfactory testing with a high-throughput air exchange system. Each room is equipped with medical air for olfactometry and a complete psychophysiology measurement setup. In all rooms, we can present individual or synchronized multisensory stimuli (odor, taste, visual & auditory) with high temporal precision as well as measure most measures of interests in respect of psychophysic and psychophysiology.

The lab also have a dedicated EEG/TMS testing room with a sound isolated EEG recording booth that is vented to the high-throughput air system.

Finally, we also have a dedicated and fully equipped wet lab with fume hood, freezers, and storage filled with hundreds of odor samples.



We record brain responses using a 96 channel BioSemi EEG system with active electrodes. We have the ability to record simultaneous responses from the cortex and the olfactory bulb. Similar to our behavioral testing rooms, we can present multisensory stimuli as well as measure high precision psychophysical and psychophysiological parameters.




The lab has access to a state-of-the-art 3T MRI scanner with complete peripheral measures at the Stockholm University Brain Imaging Center (SUBIC). SUBIC also provides access to additional EEG, TMS, and mock scanner systems.



Olfactometry and gustometry

The lab builds our own olfactometers and gustometers. Our olfactometers are capable of delivering odors with a high precision in precise concentrations. Read more about their basic design here.



Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)

The lab has access to 2 TMS systems. A Magstim Rapid² plus system for repetitive off-line stimulation and a Magstim BiStim² system for dual coil or dual pulse stimulation.




The lab uses a Brainsight neuronavigation system to localize EEG electrodes in stereotactic space for source reconstruction as well as to place and monitor TMS coil placement during neurostimulation experiments.




To measure psychophysiological responses, each testing room is equipped with an AdInstrument Powerlab capable of assessing multi unit EMG, GSR, HR, breathing and sniffing, temperature, deliver electric shocks, etc.



Wet Lab

The lab has a fully equipped wet lab dedicated to preparation and storage of chemosensory stimuli as well as equipment to build olfactometers and gustometers.