Original papers

In press


Kubik, V., Jönsson, F.U., de Jonge, M., & Arshamian. A. (in press). Putting Action into Testing: Enacted Retrieval Benefits Long-Term Retention more than Covert Retrieval.  Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology.

Kärnekull, S. C., Arshamian, A., Willander, J., Jönsson, F. U., Nilsson, M. E., & Larsson, M. (2020). The reminiscence bump is blind to blindness: Evidence from sound-and odor-evoked autobiographical memory. Consciousness and Cognition, 78, 102876.


Porada, D.K., Regenbogen, C., Seubert, J., Freiherr, J., and Lundström, J.N. (In press). Multisensory enhancement of odor object processing in primary olfactory cortex. Neuroscience.

Peter, G.M., Porada, D.K., Regenbogen, C., Olsson, M.J., and Lundström, J.N. (2019). Sensory loss enhances multisensory integration performance. Cortex. 120, 116-130.

Marmolejo-Ramos, F., Arshamian, A., Tirado, C., Ospina, R., & Larsson, M. (2019). The allocation of valenced percepts onto 3D space. Frontiers in psychology, 10, 352.

Croijmans, I., Speed, L. J., Arshamian, A., & Majid, A. (2019). Measuring Multisensory Imagery of Wine: the Vividness of Wine Imagery Questionnaire. Multisensory research, 32(3), 179-195.

Korb, S., Massaccesi, C., Gartus, A., Lundström, J.N., Rumiati, R., Eisenegger, C., and Silani, G. (In press). Facial responses of adult humans during the anticipation and consumption of touch and food rewards. Cognition.

Sarolidou, G., Axelsson, J., Sundelin, T., Lasselin, J., Regenbogen, C., Sorjonen, K., Lundström, J.N., Lekander, M., and Olsson, M.J. (2019). Emotional Expression of the Sick Face. Brain Behavior and Immunology. 80, 286-291.

Hedblom, M., Gunnarsson, B., Knez, I., Schaefer, M., Thorsson, P., and Lundström, J.N. (2019). Urban parks and forests reduce physiological stress while city centers do not: a multisensory virtual reality experiment. Scientific Reports. 9(1): 10113.

Hedblom M, Gunnarsson B, Schaefer M, Knez I, Thorsson P, and Lundström J.N. (2019). Sounds of Nature in the City: No evidence of bird song improving stress recovery. International Journal of Environmental Research on Public Health. 16(8): 1390.

Opendak M, Robinson-Drummer P, Blomkvist A, Zanza RM, Wood K, Jacobs, L, Chan S, Tan S, Woo J, Venkataraman G, Kirschner E, Lundström JN, Serrano P, Wilson DA, & Sullivan RM. (2019). Neurobiology of Maternal Regulation of Infant Fear: The role of mesolimbic dopamine and its disruption by maltreatment. Neuropsychopharmacology. 44(7), 1247-1257.

Ripp, I., zur Nieden, A-N., Blankenagel, S., Franzmeier, N., Lundström. J.N., and Freiherr, J. (in press). Multisensory integration processing during olfactory-visual stimulation – an fMRI graph theoretical network analysis. Human Brain Mapping.

Lundström, J.N., Regenbogen, C., Ohla, K., and Seubert, J. (2019). Prefrontal control over occipital responses to crossmodal overlap varies across the congruency spectrum. Cerebral Cortex. 29(7), 3023-3033.

Granqvist, P., Vestbrand, K., Döllinger, L., Tullio Liuzza, M., Olsson, M.J., Blomkvist, A., and Lundström, J.N. (2019). The Scent of Security: Odor of Romantic Partner Alters Subjective Discomfort and Autonomic Stress Responses in an Adult Attachment-Dependent Manner. Physiology and behavior. 198, 144-150


Arshamian, A., Iravani, B., Majid, A., and Lundström, J.N. (2018). Respiration modulates olfactory memory consolidation in humans. Journal of Neuroscience. 38(48), 10286-10294.

Cornell Kärnekull, S., Arshamian, A., Nilsson, M. E., & Larsson, M. (2018). The effect of blindness on long-term episodic memory for odors and sounds. Frontiers in psychology, 9, 1003.

Marmolejo-Ramos, F., Tirado, C., Arshamian, E., Vélez, J. I., & Arshamian, A. (2018). The allocation of valenced concepts onto 3D space. Cognition and Emotion, 32(4), 709-718.

Åhs, F., Rosén, J., Kastrati, G., Fredriksson, M., Ågren, T., and Lundström, J.N. (2018). Biological preparedness and resistance to extinction of skin conductance responses conditioned to fear relevant animal pictures: A systematic review. Neuroscience & Biobehavior Review, 95, 430-437.

Arshamian, A., Iravani, B., Majid, A., and Lundström, J.N. (2018). Respiration modulates olfactory memory consolidation in humans. Journal of Neuroscience. 38(48), 10286-10294.

Gordon, A.R., Kimball, B.A., Sorjonen, K., Karshikoff, B., Axelsson, J., Lekander, M., Lundström, J.N., and Olsson, M.J. (2018). Detection of inflammation via volatile cues in human urine. Chemical Senses. 43(9):711-719

Rocha, M., Parma, V., Lundström, J.N., and Soares, S. C. (2018). Dynamic facial expressions in the context of anxiety body odors: Emotional categorization and psychophysiological biases. Perception. 47(10-11):1054-1069.

Schriever, V. et al., (2018). Development of an International Odor Identification Test for Children: The Universal Sniff Test. Journal of Pediatrics. 198, 265-272.

Fondberg, R., Lundström, J.N., Olsson, M.J., and Seubert, J. (2018). Multisensory flavor perception: The relationship between congruency, pleasantness, and odor referral to the mouth. Appetite. 125, 244-52.

Regenbogen, C., Johansson, E., Finkelmeyer, A., Andersson, P., and Lundström, J.N. (2018). Task difficulty of a multisensory task is regulated by the intraparietal sulcus. Human Brain Mapping. 39(3), 1313-1326.

Cavazzana, A., Wesarg, C., Parish-Morris, J., Lundström, J.N., and Parma, V. (2018). When preschoolers follow their eyes and older children follow their noses: visuo-olfactory social affective matching in childhood. Developmental Science. 21(1), e12507.


Ohla, K., Höchenberger, R., Freiherr, J., and Lundström, J.N. (2017). Super- and subadditive neural processing of dynamic auditory-visual objects in the presence of congruent odors. Chemical Senses. 43(1), 35-44.

Arshamian, A., Laska, M., Norberg, M., Lahger, C., Gordon, A. R., Porada, D., … and Lundström, J.N. (2017). A mammalian blood odor component serves as an approach-avoidance signal across taxa. Scientific Reports. 7(1): 13635.

Majid, A., Speed, L., Croijmans, I., & Arshamian, A. (2017). What makes a better smeller? Perception, 46(3-4), 406-430.

Knez, I., Ljunglöf, L., Arshamian, A., & Willander, J. (2017). Self-grounding visual, auditory and olfactory autobiographical memories. Consciousness and cognition, 52, 1-8.

Ernstgår, L., Dwivedi, A. M., Lundström, J.N., and Johansson, G. (2017). Measures of odor and lateralization thresholds of acrolein, crotonaldehyde, and hexanal using a novel vapor delivery technique. PLoS One. 12(9): e0185479.

Regenbogen, C., Axelsson, J., Lasselin, J., Porada, D.K., Sundelin, T., Peter, M., Lekander, M., Lundström, J.N.*, and Olsson, M.J*. (2017). Behavioral and neural correlates to multisensory detection of sick humans. Proceeding of National Academy USA (PNAS). 114(24), 6400-6405. * = equal contribution

Boesveldt, S., Yee, J.R., McClintock, M. K., and Lundström, J. N. (2017). Olfactory function and the social lives of older adults: a matter of sex. Scientific Reports. 7, 45118

Cavazzana, A., Wesarg, C., Hummel, T., J., Lundström, J.N., and Parma, V. (2017). A Cross-Cultural Adaptation of the Sniffin’ Sticks Olfactory Identification Test for the Developmental Population in North America. Chemical Senses. 42(2), 133-140.


Kimbal, B.A., Cohen, A.S., Gordon, A.R., Opiekun, M., Martin, T., Elkind, J., Lundström, J.N., and Beauchamp, G.K. (2016). Brain injury alters volatile metabolome. Chemical Senses. 41(5), 407-414.

Cornell-Kärnekull, S., Arshamian, A., Nilsson, M. E., & Larsson, M. (2016). From perception to metacognition: Auditory and olfactory functions in early blind, late blind, and sighted individuals. Frontiers in psychology, 7, 1450.

Jensen, K.B., Freiherr, J., Frasnelli, J., and Lundström, J.N. (2016). Pain processing in the human brain: An ALE meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies in patients and healthy controls. Pain, 157(6), 1279-86.

Lekander, M., Nilsonne, G., Karshikoff, B., Johansson, E., Soop, A., Fransson, P., Lundström, J.N., Andreasson, A., Ingvar, M., Petrovic, P., and Axelsson, J. (2016). Intrinsic functional connectivity of insular cortex and symptoms of sickness during acute experimental inflammation. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. 56, 34-41.

Regenbogen, C., Johansson, E., Andersson, P., Olsson, M.J., and Lundström, J.N. (2016). Bayesian-based integration of multisensory naturalistic perithreshold stimuli. Neuropsychologia. 88, 123-130.

Juran, S.A., Lundström, J.N., Geigant, M., Åhs, F., Kumlien, E., Fredrikson, M., and Olsson, M.J. (2016). Unilateral resection of the anterior medial temporal lobe impairs odor identification and valence. Frontiers in Psychology. 6:2015. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.02015

Nigri A., Ferraro S., Bruzzone M.G., Nava S., Sattin D., Leonardi M., and Lundström, J.N. (2016). Central olfactory processing in patients with disorders of consciousness. European Journal of Neurology.23(3), 605-12.


Parma, V., Miller, S.S., Ferraro, S., Åhs, F. and Lundström, J.N. (2015). Enhancement of Odor Sensitivity Following Repeated Odor and Visual Fear Conditioning. Chemical Senses. 40(7), 497-506.

Seubert, J., Ohla, K., Yokomukai, Y., Kellermann, K., and Lundström, J.N. (2015). Superadditive opercular activation to food flavor is mediated by enhanced temporal and limbic coupling. Human Brain Mapping. 36(5), 1662-76.

Filiou, R., Lepore, F., Bryant, B., Lundström, J. N. and Frasnelli, J. (2015). Perception of trigeminal mixtures. Chemical Senses. 40(1), 61-9.


Seubert, J., Gregory, K., Chamberland, J., Dessirier, JM., and Lundström, J.N. (2014). Odor valence linearly modulates affective, but not cognitive assessment of invariant facial features. PLoS ONE. 9(5):e98347

Olsson, M.J., Lundström, J.N., Gordon, A,R., Karshikoff, B., Hosseini, N., Sorjonen, K., Kimball, B.A., Hoglund, C.O., Soop, A., Axelsson, J., and Lekander, M. (2014). The smell of disease: Human body odor contains an early chemosensory cue of sickness. Psychological Sciences. 25(3), 817-23.

Boesveldt, S. and Lundström, J.N. (2014). Smelling fat content of food from a distance: olfactory-based fat discrimination in humans. PLoS ONE. 9(1): e85977.


Ohla, K. & Lundström, J.N. (2013). Sex differences in chemosensation: sensory or emotional? Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 7:607.

Lundström, J. N., Schaal, B., Mathe, A., Frasnelli, J., Nitzsche, K., Gerber, J., and Hummel, T. (2013). The body odors of newborns activate women’s neural reward system. Frontiers in Psychology. 4:597. [On the top 10 list of most viewed Frontiers papers in 2013; 42.274 views/downloads]

Seubert, J., Freiherr, J., Frasnelli, J., Hummel, T., and Lundström, J.N. (2013). Orbitofrontal cortex and olfactory bulb volume predict distinct aspects of olfactory performance in healthy subjects. Cerebral Cortex. 23(10), 2448-56.

Schriever, V., Hummel, T., Lundström, J.N., and Freiherr, J. (2013). Size of nostril opening as a measure of intranasal volume. Physiology and Behavior.110-111, 3-5.

Åhs, F., Miller, S.S., Gordon, A.R., and Lundström, J.N. (2013). Aversive learning increases sensory detection sensitivity. Biological Psychology. 92(2), 135-41.

Miller, S.S., Gordon, A.R., Olsson, M.J., Lundström, J.N., and Dalton, P. (2013). Mind over age: Social priming and olfactory function. Chemical Senses. 38(2), 167-74.

Seubert, J., Freiherr, J., Djordjevic, J., and Lundström, J. N. (2013). Statistical localization of human olfactory cortex. NeuroImage. 66(1), 333-342.

Frasnelli, J., Lundström, J. N., Schöpf, V., Negoias, S., Hummel, T., and Lepore, F. (2012). Dual processing streams in chemosensory processing. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 6, 288. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2012.00288


Wise, P., Wysocki, C.J., and Lundström, J.N. (2012). Stimulus selection for intranasal sensory isolation: eugenol is an irritant. Chemical Senses. 37(6), 509-14.

Mitro, S., Gordon, A.R., Olsson, M.J., and Lundström, J.N. (2012). The smell of age: perception and discrimination of body odors of different ages. PLoS ONE. 7(5): e38110. [One of the top 10 most viewed papers in PLoS ONE 2012; 43.751 views/downloads]

Jadauji, J.B., Djordjevic, J., Lundström, J.N., and Pack, C.C. (2012). Modulation of olfactory perception by visual cortex stimulation. Journal of Neuroscience. 32(9), 3095-100.

Lundström, J. N., Gordon, A.R., Wise, P., and Frasnelli, J. (2012) Individual differences in the chemical senses: is there a common sensitivity? Chemical Senses. 37(4) 371-8.


Freiherr, J., Boesveldt, S., Gordon, A. R., Alden, E. C., Hernandez, M., and Lundström, J. N. (2011). The 40-item Monell Extended Sniffin’ Sticks Identification Test (MONEX-40). Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 205(1),10-16.

Frasnelli, J., Albrecht, J., Bryant, B., and Lundström, J. N. (2011).  Perception of specific trigeminal chemosensory receptor agonists. Neuroscience. 189, 377-83.

Boesveldt, S., Tessler-Linday, S., Schumm, L. P., McClintock, M.K., Hummel, T., and Lundström, J. N. (2011). Gustatory and olfactory dysfunction in older adults: a national probability study. Rhinology. 49(3), 324-30.

Veldhuizen, M. G., Albrecht, J., Zelano, C., Boesveldt, S., Breslin, P., and Lundström, J. N. (2011). Identification of human gustatory cortex by activation likelihood estimation. Human Brain Mapping. 32(12), 2256-66.

Frasnelli, J., Lundström, J. N., Boyle, J. A., Katsarkas, E. and Jones-Gotman, M. (2011). The vomeronasal organ is not involved in the perception of endogenous odors. Human Brain Mapping. 32(3), 450-460.


Lundström, J. N., Gordon, A. R., Albrecht, J., Alden, E. C., and Boesveldt, S. (2010). Methods for building an inexpensive computer-controlled olfactometer for temporally precise behavioral experiments. International Journal of Psychophysiology. 83, 1-23.

Boesveldt, S., Olsson, M.J., and Lundström, J. N. (2010). Carbon chain length and the stimulus problem in olfaction. Behavioral Brain Research. 215(1), 110-3.

Boesveldt, S., Frasnelli, J., Gordon, A. R., and Lundström, J. N. (2010). The fish gone bad: negative food odors elicit faster and more accurate reactions than other odors. Biological Psychology. 84(2), 313-7.

Albrecht, J., Kopietz, R., Frasnelli, J., Wiesmann, M., Hummel T., and Lundström, J. N. (2010). The neuronal correlates of intranasal trigeminal function – An ALE meta-analysis of human functional brain imaging data. Brain Research Review. 62(2), 183-96.

Frasnelli, J., Lundström, J. N., Boyle, J. A., Djordjevic, J., Zatorre, R. J., and Jones-Gotman, M. (2010). Neuroanatomical correlates of olfactory performance. Experimental Brain Research. 201(1), 1-11.


Schumm, L. P., Williams, S., Leitsh, S., Lundström, J., Hummel, T., McClintock, M., and Tessler-Linday, S. (2009). Assessment of Sensory Function in the National Social Life, Health and Aging Project. Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences. 64B(S1), i76 - i85.

Lundström, J. N., Boyle, J. A., Zatorre, R. J. and Jones-Gotman, M. (2009). The neuronal substrates of human olfactory based kin recognition. Human Brain Mapping. 30(8):2571-80.

Lundström, J. N., and Jones-Gotman, M. (2009). Romantic love modulates women’s identification of men’s body odors. Hormones and Behavior. 55(2), 280-4.

Boyle, J. A., Djordjevic, J., Lundström, J. N., Olsson, M. J. and Jones-Gotman, M. (2009). The brain distinguishes single odorants and binary mixtures. Cerebral Cortex. 19(1), 66-71.

Lundström, J. N., Boyle, J. A., Zatorre, R. J. and Jones-Gotman, M. (2008). Functional neuronal processing of body odors differs from that of similar common odors. Cerebral Cortex. 18(6), 1466-1474.


Djordjevic, J., Lundström, J.N., Clément, F., Boyle, J.A., Pouliot, S., and Jones-Gotman, M. (2008). A rose by any other name: Would it smell as sweet? Journal of Neurophysiology. 99(1), 369-393.

Lundström, J. N., Boyle, J. A., and Jones-Gotman, M. (2008). Body position-dependent shift in odor percept present only for perithreshold odors, Chemical Senses. 33(1), 23-33.


Olsson, M. J., Lundström, J. N., Diamantopoulou, S., and Esteves, F. (2006). A putative female pheromone affects mood in men differently depending on social context. European Review of Applied Psychology. 56, 279-284

Boyle, J. A., Lundström, J. N. , Knecht, M., Jones-Gotman, M., Schaal, B., and Hummel, T. (2006). On the trigeminal percept of androstenone and its implications on the rate of specific anosmia. Journal of Neurobiology. 66(13), 1501-10.

Lundström, J. N., Seven, S., Olsson, M. J., Schaal, B., and Hummel, T. (2006). Event-related potentials reflect individual differences in odor valence perception. Chemical Senses. 31(8), 705-11.

Lundström, J. N., Olsson, M. J., Schaal, B., and Hummel, T. (2006). A putative social chemosignal elicit faster cortical responses than perceptually similar odorants. NeuroImage. 30(4), 1340-1346.

Lundström, J. N., Boyle, J. A., and Jones-Gotman, M. (2006). Sit-up and smell the roses better: olfactory sensitivity is dependent on body position. Chemical Senses. 31(3), 249-52.

Lundström, J. N., and Hummel, T. (2006). Sex-specific hemispheric differences in cortical activation to a bimodal odor. Behavioural Brain Research, 166, 197-203.

Lundström, J. N., McClintock, M. K., and Olsson, M. J. (2006). Effects of reproductive state on olfactory sensitivity suggest odor specificity. Biological Psychology, 71(3), 244-247.


Lundström, J. N.  and Olsson, M. J. (2005). Subthreshold amounts of social odorant affect mood, but not behavior, in heterosexual women when tested by a male, but not a female, experimenter. Biological Psychology. 70, 197-204.

Lundström, J. N., Frasnelli, J., Larsson M., and Hummel, T. (2005). Sex differentiated responses to intranasal trigeminal stimuli. International Journal of Psychophysiology. 57(3), 181-186.

Hummel, T., Krone, F., Lundström, J. N., and Bartsch, O. (2005). Androstadienone odor thresholds in adolescents. Hormones and Behavior, 47, 3, 306-10.


.Lundström, J. N. , Hummel, T, and Olsson, M. J. (2003). Individual differences in sensitivity to the odor of 4,16-androstadien-3-one. Chemical Senses, 28, 643-650.

Lundström, J. N., Goncalves, M., Esteves, F., and Olsson, M. J. (2003). Psychological effects of subthreshold exposure of the putative human pheromone 4,16-androstadien-3-one. Hormones and Behavior, 44(5), 395-401.

Knecht, M., Lundström, J.N., Witt, M., Hüttenbrink, K-B., Heilmann, S., and Hummel, T.  (2003). Assessment of olfactory function and androstenone odor thresholds in humans with or without functional covering the vomeronasal duct. Behavioral Neuroscience, 117(6), 1135-1141.



Lundström, J. N., Arshamian, A., and Olofsson, J.K (2017) Twenty shades of chemosensory perception. Perception. 46(3-4), 241-244. [Editorial]

Larsson, M., Arshamian, A., & Kärnekull, C. (2017). Odor-based context dependent memory. In Springer Handbook of Odor (pp. 105-106). Springer, Cham.

Parma, V., Gordon, A.R., Cecchetto, C., Cavazzana, A., Lundström, J.N., and Olsson, M.J. (2017). Central Processing of Human Body Odors. In: Handbook of Olfaction, ed. Butner. pp. [Chapter]

Seubert, J., Regenbogen, C., Habel, U., and Lundström, J.N. (2017). Behavioral and neural determinants of odor valence perception. In: Handbook of Olfaction, ed. Butner. [Chapter]

Parma, V., Wilson, D.A., and Lundström, J.N. (2017). Aversive Olfactory Conditioning. In: Handbook of Olfaction, ed. Butner. [Chapter]

Mainland, J., Lundström, J.N., Reisert, J., and Lowe, G. (2014). From Molecule to Mind: an Integrative Perspective on Odor Intensity. Trends in Neuroscience. 37(8), 443-454. [Review]

Krajnik J., Kollndorfer K., Nenning K.H., Lundström J.N., Schöpf V. (2014). Gender effects and sexual-orientation impact on androstadienone evoked behavior and neural processing network. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 8:195. [Review]

Freiherr, J., Lundström, J.N., Habel, U., and Reetz, K. (2013). Multisensory integration mechanisms during aging. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 7:836. [Review]

Ohla, K., Busch, N.A., and Lundström, J.N. (2012). Time for taste – early cerebral processing of gustatory perception. Chemosensory Perception. 5(1), 71-79. [Review]

Lundström, J. N., Boesveldt, S., and Albrecht, J. (2011). Central Processing of the Chemical Senses: an Overview. ACS Chemical Neuroscience. 2 (2), 5-16. [Review]

Lundström, J. N. & Olsson, M.J. (2010). Functional neuronal processing of human body odors. Vitamins and Hormones. 83, 1-23. [Book Chapter]

Frasnelli, J., Reden, J., Landis, B. N., and Lundström, J. N. (2010). Comment on “Olfactory hallucinations as a manifestation of hidden rhinosinusitis”. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience. 17(4), 543. [Commentary]

Lundström, J. N., Wysocki, C. J., Olsson, M. J., Preti, G., and Yamazaki, K. (2008). Biological basis of the third-cousin crush. Science. 320(5880):1160-1. [Letter]

Lundström, J. N. (2005). Human Pheromones: Psychological and Neurological Modulation of a Putative Human Pheromone. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis: Summaries of Uppsala dissertations from the faculty of social sciences, 7. (pp. 115) [Thesis in book format]

Lundström, J.N. (2001). Review of: Psychophysiological recording, 2nd edn. by Stern et al. Scandinavian journal of behaviour therapy, 30(4), 202-203. [Book review]


Peter, M. G., Mårtensson, G., Postma, E. M., Nordin, L. E., Westman, E., Boesveldt, S., Lundström, J. N. (2019). Structural changes in secondary, but not primary, sensory cortex in individuals with congenital olfactory sensory loss. BioRxiv. doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/760793

Iravani, B., Arshamian, A., Ohla, K., Wilson, D. A., Lundström, J. N. (2019). Non-invasive recording from the human olfactory bulb. BioRxiv. doihttps://doi.org/10.1101/660050

Peter, M. G.,Porada, D., Regenbogen, C., Olsson, M. J., Lundström, J. N. (2019). Sensory Loss Enhances Multisensory Integration Performance. Now published in Cortex doi: 10.1016/j.cortex.2019.06.003

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